[Apple Pay]Setting up the entitlement for Tap to Pay on iPhone

Setting up the entitlement for Tap to Pay on iPhone Apple Pay

Tap to Payとは、スマートフォンを使って決済を受け付ける方法のことで、専用の端末を必要としない支払い方法です。スマートフォンを使って決済が受け付けられるため、その導入の手軽さが注目を集めています。
通常、店頭で支払いを受けるには専用の端末を準備する必要があり、その端末にタッチ決済対応のクレジットカードやスマホをかざしてもらうことで決済ができます。しかし、Tap to Payなら自分のスマートフォンが決済用の端末となり、専用の機器を導入する必要がなくなります。お店側のスマートフォンに購入希望商品の支払金額を入力または商品を読み取ることでTap to Payに金額を表示させ、タッチ決済が可能なカードやスマホをお店側のスマートフォンの読み取り面にかざしてもらうことで支払いが完了します。

Tap to Payは2022年後半にアメリカの加盟店が導入を開始し、2024年4月からは、アメリカ、オーストラリア、イギリス、アイルランド、スペイン、フランスで導入が開始されています。日本国内でも2024年9月6日より利用可能です。

iPhoneアプリにTap to Payと呼ばれる、iPhoneアプリとiPhoneアプリ間で、専用のデバイスを使うことなく、個人と個人が支払いを実施出来るサービスの設定方法をまとめています。

Request and configure the required entitlement to support Tap to Pay on iPhone.



To integrate with ProximityReader and use Tap to Pay on iPhone, you must request the Tap to Pay on iPhone Entitlement. To access the request form, you must hold an organization-level Apple Developer account and be logged in as the Account Holder. Apple reviews each application using predefined criteria. If your request meets the criteria, Apple adds the entitlement to your developer account using managed capabilities. For more information, see Provisioning with managed capabilities.

After you receive the entitlement, you need to configure your Xcode project to use it, which involves several steps. You create or update an App ID, generate a provisioning profile, and add the entitlement to the Property List specified in your target. Your project’s code signing settings might also require minor changes.

Add Tap to Pay on iPhone capability to your App ID

Update the App ID of your ProximityReader-enabled app to include the necessary capability by following these steps:

  1. Create an App ID for your app if you don’t already have one. For more information, see Register an App ID.
  2. Sign in to your Apple Developer account and select Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles.
  3. Select Identifiers in the menu on the left.
  4. Select your app from the list.
  5. Choose the Additional Capabilities tab.
  6. Enable the Tap to Pay on iPhone capability.
  7. Click the Save button.
  8. Create a new provisioning profile for the updated App ID. For more information, see Create a development provisioning profile.

Import the new provisioning profile


You can skip these steps if you enable Xcode to automatically manage the code signing, see How to setup Xcode signing.

Configure your Xcode project to use the new provisioning profile when it code signs your ProximityReader-enabled app by following these steps:

  1. In Xcode, select your project in the Project navigator.
  2. In the project editor, choose Signing & Capabilities.
  3. Click All in the scope bar, and then deselect “Automatically manage signing”.
  4. Click the Provisioning Profile pop-up menu and choose Download Profile.
  5. Select your ProximityReader provisioning profile from the left column and click Select Profile.

Add an entitlements file

Create a new file to specify the entitlements necessary for your app to use Tap to Pay on iPhone.


Xcode might have already created an .entitlements file for you. In that case, just add com.apple.developer.proximity-reader.payment.acceptance as a Boolean to that file.

To create the entitlements file:

  1. In Xcode, select your project in the Project navigator.
  2. Choose File > New > File, select Property List from the Resource section, and click Next.
  3. Enter your_project.entitlementsas the filename, replace your_projectwith the name of your project, then click Create.
  4. In the project editor, choose Build Settings.
  5. Click All and Combined in the scope bar.
  6. Use the search box to find the Code Signing Entitlements setting.
  7. Enter the full path to the .entitlements file from step 3 as the setting’s value.
  8. Open the file in Xcode and add com.apple.developer.proximity-reader.payment.acceptance as a Boolean.

The following example shows the contents of a ProximityReader-enabled app’s .entitlements file with Tap to Pay on iPhone capability:

